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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
Good morning:

After updating my  X-Plane 11 to version 11 I have found these bugs:

a) Checked with B737 default, Zibo and Cessna: when loading cold&dark in the platform the aircraft begins to turn to the right and the speed is more than 80 knots (even in cold&dark situation!!!)

b) When landing, the plane doesn't move, keeping the same position in the air ad you can hear a sort of ATIS of the airport that can't be removed.

c) Checked with Cessna, when loading a new flight, the magnetic compass is in the wrong direction.

May be I have to reload X-Plane? What is your advice.

Thanks in advance.



1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)

I was not able to reproduce the first two issues. Check for add ons that could be interfering or try resetting to default preferences.

For C:

This is deliberate and works as intended. A vacuum gyro needs to be set to the magnetic heading once before it works, since it cannot sense north on its own. 
If the plane instead uses an electric gyro or an AHRS gyro, it is slaved to a magnetometer and will instantly be correct.

In a "start with engine running" scenario, the vacuum gyros are pre calibrated. If starting cold&dark, the startup is randomized, like it would be when you pull your Cessna out of the hangar. Calibration can be done using the knob on the DG, or via commands, which also includes a "cheat" command that gives you the correct calibration directly.

More info here:
