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0 votes
asked by (20 points)
Run X-Plane 11 in a powerful system: i7-4960X, 48GB RAM, 1TB addons drive (F:), EVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX690.

Trouble is that computer restarts for no cause (power & sleep options unchecked) and it comes the initial win10 screen.

Is there some kind of incompatibility?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (112 points)
You might want to check your Win 10 update history. There was an update for the Intel "Meltdown" problem (KB4056892) that can cause some Win 10 systems to randomly reset. If you see that update in the history, try uninstalling it - might be worth a try.
commented by (20 points)
Tks. Will try to see what happens because after this there was another update so maybe it'll work.
commented by (20 points)
Another question:

How should I unistall it?