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0 votes
asked by (16 points)
I can calibrate the TWCS Throttle Axis #4 for Throttle and the Yaw using the Pedals in the setting. But once I try to fly in Demo mode only my Joy Stick works but not the other two components.  Like to know if these work before buying the full version.

OS: Windows 10 64bit

2 Answers

0 votes
answered by (16 points)
I found that my Joy stick had the same functions setup. Once I set them to "Do Nothing" my other components work
0 votes
answered by (2.2k points)

Hi bnemmers

I'm not with Laminar Research, just a fellow simmer in the UK, but I have looked at the configuration files that ship with X-Plane 11 and have found the following:-

1. TM16000M files for Windows, Mac & Linux (see photo below)

2. TWCS Throttle files for Windows and Linux, but not MAC (see photo below)

Question: What operating systems are you running and are you calibrating the flight controllers within X-Plane 11's joystick settings page, rather than within the operating system itself?

