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0 votes
asked by (14 points)
I can't see the instructions when playing flight school.  The text is visible on my desktop monitor, but not in my head mounted display.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
This is a known limitation with VR at this time. We have a to do list to fix this before the 11.20 update is final.
commented by (13 points)
How can we get the to do list? I have the same issue but would really liketo do flight school in vr
commented by (13 points)
This still doesn't work, right? I just bought X-Plane in VR (not it's November 2018) and I have that exact problem....

Or is it supposed to work now?

My instructions are only showing up on the monitor... Very frustrating
commented by (19.3k points)
The progress updates on this bug indicate that the messages should be fixed and should show up in the headset. Some of the overlays (like the icons that point things out) may not show up in the headset still however.
commented by (13 points)
Got it, thank you very much!

Any idea what I could do with this problem?

Absolutely nothing shows up in the goggles, only on the monitor.
I looked through all the settings 100x times, can't figure out how something could be setup wrong (and it's a completely fresh install anyways).
commented by (19.3k points)
No part of any flight shows up in the headset? What device are you using? At this time, X-Plane only supports Oculus Rift, HTC Vive & WMR kits.
commented by (13 points)
HTC Vive Pro.

All firmwares upgraded. Newest windows, steam VR and X-Plane.

Regular flights work perfectly, but when I go into flight school, then everything looks as if I did a normal flight. No instructions anywhere in the VR goggles. But when I take them off, then I can see that they are on the monitor.
On the monitor the game is running as if there was no VR going on at the same time: It's just the regular X-Plane with all instructions, and I can control the plane with the mouse...
commented by (10 points)
exaclty the same with my Oculus Rift as described by orangetucked.

the only difference is that in Helicopter Flight School, during the initial instructions, it stutters on VR (can't look aoround) , while the text appears on the regular Desktop-monitor....nothing like " Press B for brakes"  shows up in VR........