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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
I tried to fly with my SSG 747-8 freighter from London Heathrow to JFK New York. When I saved the flight situation and then loadet it, all navigation data was gone. There was no flightplan, no route, autopilot was turned off. Why X-plane is doing this ?

1 Answer

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answered by (19.3k points)
It might be that information is not saved in the .sit file type. The manual says:

It is essentially a “snapshot” that makes a note of the aircraft you are using, its position in the air or on the ground, its payload, the amount of fuel in its tanks, and so on. It also includes information on the environmental conditions of the flight, including cloud conditions, temperature, and time of day. Furthermore, any other aircraft you have loaded will also be noted.

I will ask the developers if nav data should be included in the file or not.
commented by (19.3k points)
I just tried this with the default C172. Loading the situation put my Nav1 radio & autopilot to exactly what they were at the time it was saved.

Please provide more info & your exact steps as I could not reproduce this.