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asked by (13 points)
Bought X-Plane 11 the other day and have watched videos on how to use the FMS in the B737 to create a flight plan. I get "Key Not Active" error message in the scratchpad, but it will not clear no matter how many times I push the CLR button. Same when I get "Invalid Entry" error message - it will not clear and then will turn into "Key Not Active" error message. The scratchpad becomes totally unusable for data entry no matter which page I'm viewing. The only way out is to exit X-Plane to start over.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
Try using the DEL key in combination with the CLR key to see if that gets the data cleared out so you can use the scratch pad.
commented by (10 points)
I am also unable to use the scratch pad.  I cannot clear INVALID ENTRY.  I was finally able to enter my ORIGIN airport, but am unable to enter DEST or anything else.

commented by (19.3k points)
You may have to use the CLR or DEL keys multiple times to get it to clear. You can try resetting to default preferences to see if bad data is saved somewhere, and I would also recommend temporarily removing all add ons if it still won't work, to make sure they're not affecting it.