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0 votes
asked by (12 points)


I hope someone can help me with a problem I have having with X-Plane 11.21. Since Sunday X-Plane is causing my computer to freeze at the stage "reading new scenery files". So today I deleted the preferences folder to see if this would resolve the freezing state. I clicked on X-Plane.exe and a few minutes later it closed on me due to it having problems locating the Tug_GT110.obg file. My log.txt file has the following message on it:

      Failed to open Resources/default scenery/sim objects/apt_vehicles/pushback/Tug_GT110.obg: bad version


1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (26 points)
Is it possible for you just to delete everything and just redownload all of xplane 11. Just move all mods you have into a separate folder to keep for later. This is probably not the best solution but it will work.