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Please see the official X‑Plane Support page for help.

+1 vote
asked by (13 points)
X-Plane 11.25r2 fresh install starts and hangs at "Finishing asynchronous loading" .

Windows 10 Pro

Intel Core i3-3240 @ 3..40Hz 3.40 GHz

64-bit processor

RAM  16 GB

Intel(R) HD Graphics

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)

You can try resetting preferences, but it may also be a problem if the rendering settings are too high. (Intel GPUs are not usually very powerful.) The second time you start it should not try to to run the intro tutorial so you may be able to access the settings screen to turn everything down.

commented by (13 points)
I don't know how to reset preferences. I have tried restarting it over and over and it always hangs at "Finishing asynchronous loading". It never gets to the intro tutorial. I can't access the settings screen.
commented by (51 points)
Preferences:  Open folder X-Plane 11/Output; there will be a Preferences folder under there.  While XP is not running, rename Preferences to Preferences.old, on next run of XPlane it will rebuild Preferences and give you a 2nd chance at default settings.   AND, jroberts is right, X-Plane is graphics intensive; your machine may not have enough video horsepower.