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asked by (14 points)
In WED, one height for the whole airport is not sufficient. Adding one height at each runway end would allow to scenery makers to stop dealing with boundaries, always flatten setup (non realistic) or waiting that Laminar updates its Database. Scenery makers knwows very well the elevation at each runway end as it is broadly documentés or easy to find. And that's very frustrating to not have way to set it up.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (42 points)
I did NFKO which is a short strip that is 300' higher at one end than the other. On the ORG.
commented by (14 points)
Hi, I don't find any NFKO. Just NFKD and NFKB but none seems to have so much slope.
commented by (42 points)
Sorry, NFNO Koro Fiji. I just had a look at it and its fine.

I am not sure if i understand you correctly  but this may be the answer you seek.

Select the airport you want to alter in WED. In the WED panes go to the top right pane and select the airport name (under World). Now go to the pane below and one of the selections is "always flatten". This can be selected on (a tick) or off (a cross). Make your selection and go to the WED file menu at the top and select "save" and then select "export scenery pack". Job done. A really useful tool for airfield builders is "xreloaded", a plugin found on the Org. You can stay in x plane while adding, subtracting or positioning objects etc in WED. Then go back to already loaded X-P and select reload scenery with this plugin. Save hours of loading X-P. One caveat is that base airfield selections like reposition the runway or moving a windsock etc always require a X-P reload.
commented by (14 points)
Yes, got it and that's a very nice slope.

My problem is on LFDZ scenery #62864, just uploaded on gateway few days ago: the previous WEDbot one #20166  had also a good slope but had wrong coordinates.

When I aligned it with Wedomaker  help, unfortunately the slope became very bumpy and the runway was impossible to fly. I fixed this with Always flatten option but I am not happy with this: I don't like it. Suppose it is because the runway is on the top of a hill and I encountered a very specific situation.

That"s was the dilemna: wrong coordinates and good slope vs real coordinates and in this case broken impossible slope. That's why I was frustrated to not be able to define the slope by myself. If you have some time to have a look, I wwould be happy to have your feeling.

commented by (42 points)
Ok well that is the way it is with some airfields. the local terrain is variable and that is reflected in runway. Always flatten is the option. Not the best but when your in a simulator that can simulate anywhere on the planet this is one of the compromises made.