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Please see the official X‑Plane Support page for help.

0 votes
asked by (17 points)
I had purchased X Plane 11 from Steam and was having trouble with it. I wanted to buy the non steam version and I paid for it. When I downloaded it wants to install it in the steam directory so that makes me think I have just repurchased the steam version again. I am not sure if I made a mistake on the order or if it just installs them all in my steam directory. If this is a mistake is there any way I can get a credit and download the correct one.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered by (1.8k points)
Hey Gerry! I just replied to your support email! :-) The short answer is that you should not have any trouble installing a regular version of X-Plane alongside a Steam version. I have provided a few more details in my email. Let me know if there is anything else that I can help you with!