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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
I am a software engineer who uses my Intel system under Debian Linux to develop code.  I often have a large number of open windows that chronicle my current context.  If I want to take a break and utilize your simulator, I have to shutdown and reboot under windows.  At the conclusion of my epic escape voyage I must spend some significant efforts after rebooting into Linux, to re-establish my context.  This has the unfortunate effect of inhibiting my otherwise much more frequent use of your wonderful product.

Is there any way that I could, without substantial expenditure or performance degradation (Virtual Box), get a comparable Linux version (without applying for a 2nd mortage) to run without having to reboot.  I have a great deal of admiration for what your team has accomplished in creating and maintaining this beautiful simulation.  It is only my exceptional enthusiasm for your system that leads me to submit this query.  I have paid for this version and would actually not be using it on a different computer.  In fact, I would  be happy to continue with that same requirement to have the DVD in my reader in order to launch and run the software.


Thank you for your consideration.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
Hi ArtSera,

Unfortunately, the Regional editions are the only versions of X-Plane that do not work with Linux. Please email customer support ([email protected]) about possible upgrade options.