Hi TSM_mith,
I am not with Laminar Research; just a flight simmer down under.
Like Timepro I won't be rude I will be blunt.
You should have purchased the official and original version of X-Plane from Laminar Research which bottom lines as supporting the developers of the benefit and enjoyment of flight simulation.
Steam is a 3rd party hybrid taking a commercial advantage of the development work carried out by Laminar Researck. You made the wrong purchase choice.
There is no commercial connection between either party.
When ever Laminar Research makes a release, the official original X-Plane version users get a notification that it is available like from a beta version release all the way through to the official version release. At present I understand that the current release is 11.30rC4. This means that it is still in the development stages sorting out all the current bugs including those bugs found by users when there is a release
When steam makes a release it will be "DAYS" after the official release by Laminar Research.
AS you can determine, I don't support steam