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0 votes
asked by (13 points)

When I load the update for the data of the GPS I find the new data of the Airac in the GNS430 folder ( Custom data ) but during the flight the GNS displays the old data, as if he did not see the news.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered by (2.2k points)
Hi Troia

I'm not with Laminar Research, just a fellow simmer in the UK, but as I understand it, the C:\X-Plane 11\Custom Data\GNS430 folder only holds navdata for certain addon aircraft i.e.Flight Factor 757/767/777, JARDesign 320/330, JRollon Planes CRJ200 etc.

I also understand that all of the other default aircraft within X-Plane 11 get their navdata from the C:\X-Plane 11\Custom Data\CIFP folder.

So, no matter where you are getting your latest Airac cycle data from (e.g. Navigraph), you need to make sure that both navdata folders are updated.

Hope this helps :-)

commented by (13 points)
Thank you Greengolfer15 I did that with the new update 1903 and the file is well in the Custom data folder but in the GNS there is only the old version . If I delete the old version in the CIFP folder and put the new one , I get a message from X Plane saying that the format of the file is not good . The old one is like that XXX.dat and the new one only XXX  it is a text format . I don't understand why . Have you an idea ?
commented by (2.2k points)

Hi Troia

I will try to explain where the Airac cycle data should be held and what the files contained in each folder look like:-

1. Go into the C:\X-Plane 11\Custom Data folder on your PC and it should look like the photo in the following link (please ignore the Bluebell folder for now):-

2. If you click on (or open) the file 'cycle_info.txt' file in the Custom Data folder, then it will show you which Airac Cycle you have installed? Mine is the latest one installed on 28th February with 1903 cycle.

3. If you click on the C:\X-Plane 11\Custom Data\CIFP folder, then the files contained within should look like this:-

4. If you click on the C:\X-Plane 11\Custom Data\GNS430\navdata\Proc, then the files will look like this:-

Hope this helps for now and if you have any questions, please let me know?


commented by (13 points)
It's done !  And it's OK . I change the file X Plane GNS 430 from Navigraph with  the file ' Plane 11 native ' and the CIFP folder is the good one with .dat  elements . Thank you for your help and your explanations . Patrick
commented by (2.2k points)
That's great :-)

If you're happy with the assistance, would you be able to provide a positive upvote?

Kind regards and have a good weekend
