This site is being deprecated.

Please see the official X‑Plane Support page for help.

0 votes
asked by (12 points)
I have a very nice computer I use with IL2 Great Battles WWII flight sim.  My machine has a GTX 2080ti GPU and an Intel i7-8086K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 32GB RAM, 500GB HDD plus a 3TB hard drive.  I bought X-Plane 11 a couple weeks ago and an Archer III add-on a/c from JustFly.  I had gobs of HDD space and loaded just Europe and the USA maps.  When I started x-plane 11 it said something about an error in instillation and when I tried to "fly" with my Vive Pro headset the headset started blacking out and freezing the program.   

Then I went back to my main flight sim, IL2 where I fly missions with an online squadron.  I then found you'd ruined my IL2 as well as it "blacked out" the VR and froze just like in X-Plane 11.  I removed X-Plane and the add-on aircraft.  No help.  Now I've removed and reloaded Steam, Steam VR, IL2, the Vive Pro software and reloaded and installed everything and still my computer freezes and the VR blacks out when I try to use IL2 in VR.

X-Plane 11 broke my computer.  It's useless now for VR flying!  

I spent thousands of dollars for this computer for one purpose, to fly flight sims in VR.  I only have mocrosoft office and IL2  flight sim on it.  Now it's useless to me.

I removed xplanne so I have no LOG.TXT file to be able to even send in my question.

There's no phone # for tech support.

WTF?  Your program killed my computer!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (5.3k points)
Hi Stephen,

I am not from Laminar Research; just a flight simmer from downunder.

Stephen your problem is you have purchased a steam version of X-Plane.  Steam is not the same as the official original version of X-Plane developed by Laminar Research.

It is a third party hybrid (modified) version of the LR version taking a commercial advantage of the development work by LR.  There is no connection, commercial or any other way between the Steam and LR.  LR does not sell steam and diverts customers wanting steam away from their site.

Either version will not interact with the other.  Steam installs differently.

This forum is for the LR version of X-Plane.  You need to take your problem to a steam forum.
