I just purchased a new computer (pc) to run x plane because my mac was too slow. After hours of downloading, the program worked fine. I foolishly updated without making a backup and it failed entirely saying that one of the files I may not have permission for and asked if I would like to continue anyway and try and fix the file later, which I did.
It didn't work, x-plane was dead. Rerunning installer did not help. I deleated all x plane related files and started over, I am now downloading it again for the next 30 hours of so. I am hoping this is a simple, known thing to get the update to work after download. This time I will be sure to copy all the files so when it goes tango uniform I have a plan to revert.
Any ideas on what the problem may be? Never had issues updating on my mac and I am totally stupid when it comes to pc's. I am a little lost.