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0 votes
asked by (16 points)
I have 7 licensed copies of X-plane 11 on 7 computer. The copies are part of a church outreach ministry program called "With God as My Co-pilot."  I've updated X-plane to the latest version, as well as added additional planes, airports and scenery, on one of the 7.  All are Windows 10 pro computers, but some have different video cards, some have 10 GB of ram and some have 12 GB.  All run between to 3.0 to 3.3 ghz.  X-plane is installed in a folder on the desktop in each of them.

Is there practical way I might copy selected folders (via an external hard drive) so that I can avoid going thru the process of updating X-plane to the latest version, plus reinstalling scenery, and aircraft on each computer? In copying I  do not wish to wipe out license keys, or other settings, although re-entering keys would be much easier easier than re-installing and upgrading each machine separately.  I am not using any paid aircraft or other payware, so I don't believe I would be violating anyone's copyrights etc.  If practical I was thinking I might use ACRONIS, or the like, to backup specific folders on the main computer, then restore them to each of the other computer.   Any certain folder I should avoid copying, etc?

 Thoughts anyone?  Thanks in advance!


1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (5.3k points)
edited by
Hi Terry,

I made contact with back in January this year.

On the assumption you have digital downloads  for each PC as I indicated previously indicated before, each digital download has to be connected to the internet at all times as silent background checks are performed by the software to determine if you are running a legal or licensed copy.  This is particularly important if your PCs are not networked.

Provided X-Plane is installed in its own standalone directory on each PC and not mixed with other windows files or directories as some other flight sim packages do, the answer to your question is simple.  All you have to do is perform a simple "cut and paste" from one location to the other using a USB stick of suitable capacity or in your case the portable external hard drive.  No need for any any other 3rd party software as you suggest.

You need to ensure each version of X-Plane is structured exactly the same ie cut from one location into the same location on your other PCs.

Your product key should not be affected.
