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Please see the official X‑Plane Support page for help.
I start X-Plane and it flashes a few times then crashes. My DVD 1 is mounted all the time. (logs and a video below). I have tried disabling all my custom scenery, deleting all preferences, and disabling all plugins/addon aircraft, yet it still crashes. Same happens for my version of the installer, so I cannot try to install a second detailing issue: (video is too large for the server lol)logs:
Hi Adam,
I am not from Laminar Research; just another flight simmer from down under but across the "ditch" from you.
Your attachments are not readable or or make sense. All that is seen is an add for the product you are using in trying to make the attachments.
To attach the log.txt file use the process/methodology used in the following link from Greengolfer15 found at
Good luck.
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