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0 votes
asked by (12 points)

I am running 11.35r1 Pro on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and i have a pro-flight joystick for helicopter. I am strictly following the calibration steps in the video from knowledge base, after calibrating the joystick i am starting a new flight and joystick value are not supposed to be and could not able to fly properly. This is somehow appeared after an update of x plane. At the beginning, it was around March this year, with the same joy stick i had no problems. After calibration it was smooth without any trouble. Then i switch to Saitek x52 for some time to work on my desk. After i switch back to pro-flight stick and i cannot use it.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (5.3k points)

Hi hakanbatmaz,

I am not from Laminar Research; just a flight simmer from down under.

The problem is not with the X-Plane software.

The problem is with the configuration of your hardware.  I am of the opinion you have a " cross" configuration/contamination problem with your hardware items.

Firstly you need to find all remnants of the saitek software sitting on the shelf in the office..  When you find "all discs" dig a hole and bury them never to be seen again.  The saitek software will not work within X-Plane.  You realise this as you have indicated that  you have followed a video on how to perform the configuration.

Firstly I would suggest you remove all files associated with each hardware item within X-Plane and then run the installer file again just to ensure none of the x-plane files have been contaminated and or corrupted.  You will also have the choice of updating.  Whether you do or not is your decision.

Then connect each hardware item individually  and then start X-Plane.  You should be taken to settings.   If not, select settings and reconfigure that item.  You already know this.  But when done, give the hardware item a name and save.

Select the next item and perform the same routine . When done give it a different name and then save making sure it is not the same name as the earlier item.

When all items have been configured select complete.  You will have two controllers with different configurations of which you can use for any aircraft or the same aircraft (helicopter)

When you start X-Plane to fly the helicopter select the controller of your choice.

It should work.  You need to be methodical with the configuration where by for each hardware item you do not allocate two or more assignments to the one button or lever or alternatively two or more buttons or levers to the one assignment.

Good luck.


commented by (12 points)

Hi Glenn,

thank you for your answer. I did wipe x-plane and installed it fresh before noticing your answer and it resolved my problem for now.

"Then connect each hardware item individually  and then start X-Plane.  You should be taken to settings.   If not, select settings and reconfigure that item.  You already know this.  But when done, give the hardware item a name and save." This was what i did at first place, i neither did connect controllers at same time nor consecutively without shutting the computer. Also, i had created them a default configuration files with distinct names.

By the way, this udev rule thing was not present when i first calibrated pro-flight stick, it was deployed by an update while saitek is connected. Saitek controller never required udev rule introduction. I still think this as x-plane software problem. After i finished the job im working on, i will try it the same way and post the results here.
