Hi again
I've had a look at your XP11 Installer Log.txt file and it appears that there were four attempts at installing the software, but after each occasion the following message was logged:-
Download failed with http error: 503 for URL http://cds.n3w4x3c2.ssl.hwcdn.net/X-Plane%2011.40b3/directory.txt.zip
There was nothing of any significance noted in the other log file, which actually seems to be for the XP11 Plane Maker app and not for XP11 itself!
In general terms, the recommended place to install XP11 is on the PC's desktop, but it works perfectly well if you install it onto you main local hard drive. In this case, I note that you are installing to your D: drive, where as your DVD ROM is on the E: drive.
From this, I gather that your original XP11 installation was from the DVD set and that you had DVD disk No.1 in the DVD ROM drive ready for the install.
Consequently, the only other question I can ask is, do you have any anti-virus software or firewall that could be preventing XP11 from accessing your system?