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+1 vote
asked by (13 points)
Flight simulators are the perfect candidate for VR.  I've seen very old updates about "support being near by" for Oculus DEVELOPMENT KIT.    What happened?

Even VORPX doens't work with x-plane 10.45

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
Hi bastian74

My understanding is that a lot of work was put into developing VR for X-Plane through Oculus Rift, then a revised SDK came out that invalidated almost all of that work. Such is the life when developing for beta projects! However, many more bumps came up in the process and further development has been put on hold.

X-Plane is a small team and we believe that our limited time and resources could be better spent improving other parts of the sim that you would see more immediate benefit from. There are many hurdles to developing for VR at this time.
commented by (13 points)
Well that is certainly depressing news, but I appreciate the frank answer.  I really only bought XP10 because I figured it would have had full support by now given how close things were a couple years ago.  I understand though that some design decisions may have made it fundimentally incompatible with VR.  VorpX can't even convert it to 3D, so I'm guessing it's something to do with the core game graphics engine.
commented by (13 points)
With the Vive and occulus on the market, there wouldbe huge immediate benefit for it. Vive support would really distinguish X-Plane as a killer app both within flight sims and within Vive games.
commented by (15 points)
Still nothing on the VR front? I was considering buying X-Plane 10 but I cannot go back to a flat screen now...