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0 votes
asked by (12 points)

I'd bought some planes in the previous version of x-plane, but I changed my tablet and now I can only find the x-plane 10 version and I don't know how to install my previous purchases or how to download the previous version to use the planes purchased.



1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
Purchases made in the X-Plane 9 mobile app will not transfer to the X-Plane 10 app because it is a completely different version.

If you purchased the v9 app through the Google Play Store you should still be able to reinstall the app. Please make sure to always use the same account username and password to reinstall old purchases. If you purchased it through the Apple App store though, you will not be able to get it back unless you made a back up of your device.
commented by (12 points)
Thanks for your answer.

I saw in my historial the items bought (15 plans and regions) but I couldn't find the x-plane version 9 app.

I don't remember bought an app, I remember it was a free app with only 1 free plane (a cessna) and 1 region, and if you like you can buy either planes or regions.

I am correct? if so, is there any link to download the v9 app to keep using the planes and regions bought?

Thank you so much!