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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
WIll Xplane 11 be a new instalation on our hard drives if we already have Xpl10?

Because Xplane 10 is taking far more than 400Gb for me at this moment and so I would know if I have to copy my whole addon package or not.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
Yes, X-Plane 11 will be a separate install. It will not be like the incremental v10 updates (10.45 to 10.50, for example) that go "on top" of what you already had.
commented by (10 points)
Does this include all the scenery files as well? I seem to recall using the DVD's it took several hours to fully install all of the earth data. What is the expected size of the full download over the internet?
commented by (19.3k points)
We don't yet have this detail finalized for v11.

For v10 the FULL digital download is almost 70 GB. When installing any scenery we highly recommend picking a tiny bit at first to get started and adding more as needed. Otherwise it can take hours or even days to install it all.
commented by (10 points)
Given the likely load on your servers, have you considered using torrents for the data files?