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0 votes
asked by (12 points)


For those of us with crappy internet connections, can you please provide information on the actual size of the digital download version. It sounds like it is split in regions and may not be the full 60gb, however there is zero information provided on this.



1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)

The full world scenery installation of X-Plane 10 is nearly 70GB. The smallest install size, with no scenery, is between 5.5 & 6GB. 

You can install "tiles" of scenery one at a time through the installer. The squares represent 10° lat by 10° long of scenery and each square may be different sizes, depending on how dense the scenery is. Tiles with a lot of water, for example, will be much smaller. Range appears to be anywhere from 1mb to ~500mb per tile.
