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0 votes
asked by (261 points)

Hi there, I'm extremely eager to buy and start using X-Plane 11, but am unsure if I should just wait for the official release or start now in the Beta, I just have a few questions.

1. If you purchase the beta, is it an easy update-like transition to the full-version when it comes out?

2. Is Beta projected to go for say 2-3 weeks or 2-3 months or even more than that? That will help me decide wether to hang out for the actual release.

3. Is X-Plane 10 a good alternative for the mean time?




1 Answer

+1 vote
answered by (19.3k points)
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Best answer
1. Yes, going from the beta to the full release will simply be an update.

2. Laminar Research doesn't have a timeline yet for how long we will be in beta. We've been in beta 1 for almost 2 weeks, so I believe it will be a while still (again, this is just an unofficial guess, it really depends on many factors) before X-Plane 11 is final.

3. This is very subjective. :) X-Plane 10 will continue to work, even after X-Plane 11 is final. You can use it for many more years if you wish. It depends on how badly you want to use the new features, such as the tutorials, new UI, FMOD sound, etc, and how much tolerance you have for bugs and problems.