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+1 vote
asked by (13 points)


I'm trying to install X-Plane 11 to my computer. It has Win10. The installation freezes. It freezes either to Check Servers phase or Pick Destination phase. At Pick Destiantion screen installer doesn't allow to change the installation directory. Change Destination button works some times, but the directory doesn't change accordingly.

I have tried to install it as an administrator.

Here is the screen capture of the freezed installer.

imageDownload file 

The only working component on that screen is the Cancel Installation button.

And here's the lates installer log.

Please advice me.

BR, AnttiH



commented by (10 points)
I am having the same problem when trying to install this with Windows 10 on a Surface Pro 4.
commented by (21 points)

I am having the same problem on Windows 10.  Clicking the continue button does nothing...sometimes you might see a quick flash.  Clicking cancel does cancel it but it you get a spinning wheel for a bit first. Intel i5 6600K, GTX 960, 16GB RAM.

commented by (10 points)
I am having the exact same problem. It "freezes" on the same screen. I need to Ctrol+Alt+Del my way out of it. I tried running as Admin. No change. I'm on a Win 10 machine with a GTX 1080.


edit: I deleted the folder then tried again to run it as admin, installer is working now.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
The screenshot shows that all three buttons (cancel, back & continue) should work. When they are not available they are usually paler in color. Do you click on the continue button and nothing happens after that?
commented by (13 points)

Tried to click continue button, but nothing happens.
commented by (19.3k points)
We know of a different issue with the Intel 520 GPU. Your log shows you have an Intel 530, so maybe it's causing problems as well? For the other Intel users, manually updating their graphics drivers sometimes helps.

I personally can use the installer without issue, so I'm just suggesting anything that might possibly help.
0 votes
answered by (78 points)
I had that problem when I tried to install the demo version of X-Plane 11.  I had to install in run as administrator to get around the problem.