I have several questions after finally having reached satisfaction with fps with a 4 monitor setup with 2 of the monitors being ultra wide very high resolution models. It took 3 PC's before I could ramp the parameters to maximum and still get 25-30+ fps.
Here are my questions and concerns:
1) I need to be able to adjust controls in the cockpit on the lower monitor, which is not the master. Do I need to switch it around to make the computer that has the instruments as the master in order to control them without shifting the front window upper display above?
2) I would like to bring up the window to file my flight plan and for ATC interactions on a side display, that is not driven by the master PC. Is this possible?
3) I am finding a number of airports that are not displaying the airport facilities, with aircraft such as the 737-800 and Cirrus Jet. I am sure these airports were displaying the facilities with other aircraft. I'm on the latest version.
Overall, a 4 monitor, 3 PC configuration is just fantastic. I have the following hardware:
PC 1: MacBook Pro 2016 w/ BizonBox and GTX 980 Ti (instruments - lower center display, ultra wide)
PC 2: XForce PC, i7, 1080 GPU, <Master>, Top center monitor, 3440 x 1440 ultra-wide curved display, 30-35 fps with parameters maxed out.
PC 3: XForce PC, I7, 1080 GPU, left and right side monitors (1080p), running at 25fps.
Thanks for guidance. I have included a photo of the configuration with the Cirrus Jet.