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0 votes
asked by (29 points)
I am about to migrate from XP10 to XP11. I have a 4 computers/4 screens configuration. 1 computer as master with instruments screen, 1 computer with moving map screen and 2 computers serving one large front screen each.

cars, railways and AI trafic in airports does not cross properly the border between the 2 front screens. This also occurs for clouds.

I have followed Laminar advice to use one computer per screen but I am not sure that this behaviour will corrected.

In X11, there is much more ground trafic and I do not want to stay in this situation.

Can I expect a better  sync between the 2 computers/screens in XP11 than in XP10, or should I modify my configuration and connect my 2 front screens to the same computer? In this case I need extra graphic power. Will XP11 support 2 graphic cards on the bus of the same machine using Windows large desktop? Each of the 2 GPU would be identical and connected each to one screen.



1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
There is an open bug filed about the ground traffic and vehicles not matching between networked computers. It still exists in X-Plane 11 though.

Running multiple monitors from one computer will avoid this issue, but as you know, require more graphics power. X-Plane does not support more than one graphics card in a single computer (and probably never will). One new feature that might help this situation is that you can now pop out the map/GPS/etc as a separate window and move it without needing another computer to put it on (just another monitor).