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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
Is there a complete list of available command line options to X-Plane 11 with a description of what they do and how to use them?  Specifically I would like to know if there is a way to assign a value to a dataref at startup but the entire list would be nice.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered by (3.5k points)

Have you checked this website? Found something with the search box but I'm not sure it's what you are looking for :

commented by (12 points)
From that site all I got was this page:

It is not a complete list and it mentions to type --help or -h to get a complete list but that return nothing.  I did find another reference to a command line option in a different search I thought would do what am looking for which is to load a situation at startup --load_smo=...  Unfortunately, this results in a software crash so I don't think I am using it property.  

Just on the hunt for complete document describing command line options and how to use them...
commented by (3.5k points)
Ok, let's wait until someone from Laminar Research sees your question, then.
0 votes
answered by (272 points)

This is from Linux:

Usage: X-Plane [options...]

X-Plane can take a number of command-line flags, in the form of --flag or
--flag=value.  OpenGL options are available for all X-Plane-related
applications; the frame-rate test is only for X-Plane itself.  Here is a listof current flags:

Prints this message listing all command-line options, then quits.

Runs without initializing sound - can help identify a problem with sound hardware.

Causes X-Plane to output to the log file any string that it cannot find a localization
to the current language for.  Since the sim runs natively in English, this option does
nothing unless you change languages.
--lang=<lang code>
Runs the sim in a specific language (if available) - this only takes effect if there
is no pre-saved preference.  This bypasses the regular system-language detection.

Normally X-Plane will not run under Rosetta PPC emulation.  Pass this flag to allow
ppc execution on an x86 machine.  NOTE: running under Rosetta is storngly discouraged
for performance reasons; this option is only provided so that plugin developers can
test PPC plugins on an x86 Macintohs.

This command line option can be used more than one time, and sets an individual preference
to the overloaded value specified on the command line.

This command line option sets a dataref to a value at startup.  Note: because this command line
runs early in the sim's life-cycle, it is only appropriate for datarefs created by the sim.

Normally X-Plane uses all available hardware capabilities to maximize framerate.
These options force X-Plane not to use some aspects of hardware acceleration.
This hurts framerate, but can sometimes allow you to work around driver bugs.
This disables the use of vertex buffer objects, as defined by
GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object.  VBOs are used to accelerate all aspects of X-Plane
Disable the use of framebuffer obects, even if the hardware supports them.
Disable the use of pixelbuffer obects, even if the hardware supports them.
This disables the use of point sprites, as defined by GL_ARB_point_sprite.
Point sprites are used to accelerate runway lights, among other things.
This disables pixel counters, as defined by GL_ARB_occlusion_query.  Pixel
counters are used to calculate sun glare, among other things.
This disables anisotropic filtering of textures, as defined by
GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic.  Anisotropic filtering is used to make
runways look better.
This disables hardware accelerated mipmap-creation, as defined by
GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap.  X-Plane will still use mipmapping, but it will
create the mipmap images on the CPU instead of the GPU.
Disable the use of fragment shaders, even on hardware that reports having them.
Disable the use of vertex shaders, even on hardware that reports having them.
Disable the use of GLSL, even on hardware theat supports it.
Force shaders to act as if the graphics hardware has the most limited GLSL, e.g. R300 or NV25.
Override the detection of first-gen graphics hw to run advanced shaders on old machines.  WARNING: this may cause X-plane to crash if it exceeds the maximum fragment program length.
Disable the use of OpenGL via multiple threads.

X-Plane will in a few cases intentionally disable hardware acceleration
to work around known driver compatibility bugs.  You can force X-Plane
to use the feature anyway (if the card supports it) with these options,
but they may cause the sim to crash.
Forces the use of VBOs, even on drivers where we at one point found
them to be unstable.
Forces the use of point sprites, even on drivers where they cause bugs.
Force the use of fragment shaders, even if they would not normally be used.
Force the use of vertex shaders, even if they would not be used.
Force the use of GLSL even on cards where we would avoid it due to driver compatibility problems.
Force the use of FBOs even on hardware where it would not be used due to compatibility problems.
X-Plane will not run on a machine that does not appear to have some
minimum requirements, like at least two texture units.  This will allow
X-Plane to run no matter what the hardware looks like.  Please note that
most of the time if X-Plane out-right refuses to run, it will probably
crash later if --force_run is used.

This runs X-Plane in frame-rate test mode.  The number indicates a framerate
test number, which is 3 digits indicating a combination of camera angle,
scenery complexity, and weather settings.  X-Plane will run for 90 seconds
and quit, outputting 3 framerates to the Log.txt file for panel view,
no-panel view, and paused no-panel view.  This can be used to get repeatable
performance measurements without changing preferences.  (The preferences
file is ignored when the framerate test is in effect.)
When used after --fps_test this puts X-Plane into a pass-fail mode.  The
sim will run only one 30 second test with the flight model paused.  The
sim will then exit with 0 if the measured fps is higher than N or 1
if the fps is lower.  This can be used to create a shell script that will
automatically detect whether X-Plane performance is as expected.
This will use the specified text file to run some time-based commands tomonitor X-Plane's performance.  See the wiki for more info.
