For X-Plane 11 if there is any time that an older looking grey colored dialog box opens they end up being unclickable. The window then persists until the sim is restarted. Normally they pop up dead center of screen and can ruin a flight fast. This mostly happens with and window under the plug-in drop down. It also has reared it ugly head on an add-on aircraft i purchased (attached image). In the attached image the green check blocks are not selectable and the next button do not work. Please do not focus on just this window and make it out to be an add-on problem and stop there. I only use this as an example. Any other grey type window that is part of X-Plane 11's clean install will do this for me.
I have done some troubleshooting such as restarts and key commands to include enter, space and pretty much clicking every key on my keyboard and using every mouse mutton (to include center click). these windows are not clickable. I am at a loss now. any help out there?Thanks