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0 votes
asked by (18 points)

I have been using the default 737 in X-plane 11 for some time using the FMC to enter flight plans. Lately when entering more than one waypoint the FMC hangs for a while then clears all of the data I entered.

I have tried this at different airports, different flight plans and with the 737, 747 and MD 80 with the same results.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (3.5k points)
Hi, something seems to be wrong with your custom data.

Can you delete the content of your X-plane 11\custom data folder (except the readme.txt) and follow the advice given on the readme.txt file, for updating your data? Also make sure you don't use corrupted files for updating your navdata.

To make sure the problem is not on X-plane side, you could try and configure your FMS while custom data is "empty".

Hope this helps.

commented by (18 points)

X-System folder:'C:\Users/jbart/Desktop/X-Plane 11/', case sensitive=0

I think did send an old log. Sorry here is the latest one.


commented by (3.5k points)
Rename, \X-Plane 11\Resources\default data into \X-Plane 11\Resources\backup.

Run the installer again and make sure it has downloaded again the default data folder.

Make another test (still from the desktop).
commented by (18 points)
No change. Thinking about doing a new complete install. Going to bed tonight, it's 1AM here. Will try again tomorrow.
commented by (3.5k points)
Then, uninstall UFMC anc 124thATCv2. Make up to 4 tests, depending in the results :
-None of them installed
-124thATCv2 installed alone
-UFMC installed alone
-both installed

Make sure you follow the installation instructions correctly.

Once the cause is identified, contact the respective developers with as many details as you can.

Good luck with that. The problem might come from third party plugins. Given the fact that you have many, it might be faster to start from a brand new install, indeed.
commented by (18 points)
It seems 124thATCv2 was the culprit. Thanks for the help..