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+2 votes
asked by (16 points)

The smoke from the AI 747 exhaust is like a hurricane if you're anywhere near it. Total black out conditions. Is this a bug? Just started with latest V11 update.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered by (19.3k points)
Hi supernova,

There must be some other factors than just the 747, because I don't see this when at KSEA, using the 747-400 as an AI aircraft.

It could be tied to a rendering setting, or it could be the airport. If it doesn't have hand drawn taxi routes, the AI aircraft may just be driving like an idiot, and making a lot of smoke from braking constantly or something along those lines.


ETA: Apologies, I just realized I was using a preview build of 11.10 with a lot of fixes in it, so it's also possible we've already fixed the issue too!
commented by (10 points)
No, you haven't.  Version 11,1 and 11,2 both have this and with all of the airline jets (perhaps all of the airplanes - I have not tried the non-airliners).