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asked by (68 points)
Most of the times I fly the aircraft of Flight Factor, JARDesign, SSG and IXEG by using just a mouse. Works great. I recently noticed that the white control box for mouse flying (with the plus + sign - cross hairs) is less visible. Sometimes it's hard to find; clicking somewhere in the 'middle' of the screen works, but when you fly the A320 or A330, it cancels the autopilot if you do not hit the sweet spot of that box, i.e. the cross hairs or plus + sign.

Is there a way to enhance c.q. control the visibility of this white box and crosshairs (+ sign)? Or is it hard coded in X-Plane 11? Can we ask the developers at LR to make this feature availlable?



TDPlane (Theo).
commented by (68 points)
I guess the problem is now probably solved by the release of X-Plane 11.10, just yesterday. The plus sign ( + ) is larger and the lines of the mouse box are more visible.

Great news and thanks to Laminar Research.


TDPlane (Theo).
commented by (68 points)
I spoke too soon. The more visible rectangle for mouse flying (including a black + sign) that comes with X-Plane 11.10, is not there on the FF 757v2. The plus sign and the rectangle are there in the FF 767 and FF 777. In the 757v2 it only becomes visible when you click somewhere in the field that you expect it to be in. If you do so - just clicking somewhere to find the control box for mouse flying - you might disturb the autopilot. That's what happens when flying the Airbus ... and you never should. On the Airbus it kills the autopilot.
commented by (68 points)
Update: On the ground with the FF 757v2, the rectangle and cross hairs for mouse flying are not visible. For some reason they become visible again when airborn ... is it related to the textures of the airport and runway? This is weird ...

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