Carenado PA-46 Malibou & RWDesigns B60 Duke lose functionality in 10.51.r2. a) no sound; b) can't scroll laterally via mouse or keyboard, mouse clicks fail to activate controls. Have had X-Plane problems by the bucketful since upgrading to (Mac) High Sierra iOS 10.13.2. Curious whether other High Sierra users have issues, (not seeing in questions). Stock aircraft, such as 172, load, fly with full functionality. No FPS or other hardware restrictions in X-Plane 10.
Will need PC with fast processor, top-end graphics card or top-end iMac to run X-Plane 11. But wondering if combo of Mac Intel chip/High Sierra flaws could be preventing X-Plane 10 use until I can afford new computer. Any familiarity with these issues? Awaiting Carenado response Thanks!