Hello, I have a brand new Pro Flight Puma Trainer which used to work with X Plane 11 for a short time. However, I have been unable to get X plane to recognize the Joystick for some time now. I calibrated in Windows 10 first, like Pro Flight Trainer recommends. Also, when I try to start a new flight with the stock helicopter, the program recognizes the Pro Flight Trainer joystick, but says the joystick is not calibrated. When I try to calibrate the Pro Flight Trainer joystick under X Plane 11, the calibration page expands larger than my monitor and I'm unable to save the settings due to the "done" button not being visible. I'm attaching photos of the screens. I had been able to get the joystick to work originally, but I was not able to use it long enough to tell if it was working correctly.
I tried to run X plane 11.20 beta with Oculus Rift, and this seemed to add to the problems I was having, so I uninstalled X plane 11, FlyInside, and Steam. I spoke with X plane support on 1-19-18 and asked why, when I uninstalled X plane 11 and tried to reinstall it, the website said X plane 11 is already installed on my computer. He told me to ignore the message and install a second copy. Which I did. However, before that, I clicked to run X plane 11 and it loads it, as if it is still installed. This is very confusing.
My computer is running Windows 10, Intel i7 core, 8700 series CPU @ 3.70 Ghz, Geforce GTX EVGA 1080 FTW2 graphics card. The Oculus Rift works fine, just not with X plane. I tried to copy the log file, but your email only allows for 8K characters. I can send it to you in parts if need be.
Can you help me please?
Regards, Nick

log.txt for X-Plane 11.11r2 (build 111101 64-bit)
compiled on Dec 19 2017 15:24:05
X-Plane started on Fri Jan 19 17:57:47 2018