The other day, I loaded X-Plane 11 and just as it loaded, at the airport and in the aircraft I chose, it crashed and, just as suddenly, the exe file disappeared leaving me with no way to get XP-11 to load. Very strange. So, I used the X-Plane Installer and updated the simulation and got my X-Plane.exe back. Fired it up and everything seemed to work just fine except that I couldn't get real weather to load I use xEnviro and according to the xEnviro log, it can't find a server. I removed the plugin thinking that maybe that the problem was xEnviro but, no joy, I still couldn't get the weather to work.
Now before someone suggests that I should check,my internet connection, let me assure you that it works just fine. Otherwise I wouldn't be here typing.
When the crash occurred, I was loading the FlyJSim 737-200 at PAJN. Both, after market plugins. Been flying the 732 pretty steady now with no problems and I have never had a problem with PAJN either.
I am posting my X-Plane log and the xEnviro.log. If anyone needs anything else, please let me know.
Thanks in advance.