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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
I am in the market to get a new iMac.  I would like to get one that I can run X-Plane 11 on.  Which current model would do a decent job of running X-Plane 11?

1 Answer

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answered by (5.3k points)
edited by

Hi Bright,

I am not with Laminar Research; just a flight simmer.  I am not a Mac user.

Have a look at the system requirements to run X-Plane.  The details can be found at   Those intended future flight simmers who want to purchase a new computer, and starting from scratch as you are,  usually build something that equals or is more upmarket than the recommended system.

If you are really desperate to purchase a Mac system do so otherwise consider building a purpose built PC.  For what you will pay for a very upmarket PC will be a lot less than what you could pay for a Mac system.  A purpose built PC will allow you to add or upgrade major components in time whereas with a Mac system you are "boxed in" on being able to upgrade.

X-Plane is resource hungry in the CPU and GPU which subsequently generates a lot of heat necessitating internal fans and or water cooling.  Does a Mac system have any of this.  Can you add it as an afterthought? What I have seen Macs are virtually a sealed unit.  If you intend to overclock the CPU, as many flight simmers do, additional heat will be generated.  Overheating will cause the system to crash without warning.

As a side issue, Laminar Research does all of its development work on a Mac system but one of its prominent staff members has recommended to another future flight simmer in this forum, purchasing a purpose built PC instead

Good luck with your purchase having considered the system requirements in the first instance.

