Hi donemory,
I am not with Laminar Research; just a flight simmer.
I don't have a direct answer to your question.
Have a look at some of the tutorial videos from Thomas Rasmussen which can be found at https://www.youtube.com/user/ThomaRasmussen/videos Thomas is a well known, experienced and knowledgable X-Plane user (flyer). Some of his review videos are used by the aircraft developer(s) as part of their sales promotions. His tutorial videos from about 8 months ago initially start on the ground and by pushing a few buttons placed you in the air at about 3000 ft. You may be able spot how he does it and it may a part solution to you question.
In x-plane 10 there was an option of "get me lost" whereby the instalation process placed you anywhere in the world and at various altitudes and you then had to determine where you were. Is it in X-Plane eleven? Don't know as yet.
Hope these comments may assist in getting better enjoyment from X-Plane.