Hey jroberts,
Sorry for being confusing with my header on the post....
This code did not change between 11.11 & 11.20, so it would be very surprising if this update broke the hardware. Or did you change from X-Plane 10 directly to X-Plane 11.20? It would not be surprising if the hardware didn't work at all in X-Plane 11.
The update to 11.20 did not break the PFC cirrus rudder pedals...the PFC hardware is working great, as I stated above, all the axis are showing in the sim. I am able to calibrate everything, set limits, chose throttle, (i/e Kingair, 2 engine jet, 3 engine jet) all is as it was before.
I did not go from XP10 straight to 11.20. I went from 11.11 to 11.20..I did save a copy of 11.11 and the tiller works....so something must have changed with the tiller being tied to the rudders in 11.20...that is what I was asking....Was something change to separate the tiller so folks could assign that to a separate controller axis? If so is here a way to tie the tiller to the rudders?
If one can not taxi one can not fly....
I guess I can try hooking up my Saitek X55 and using just the twist axis for the tiller and disable everything else...
any help is appreciated.