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0 votes
asked by (13 points)
I live in Brazil e I want to buy and install XPLANE 11 into a Gamer Notebook (this notebook has adequate configuration to run Xplane properly), but I don´t have a DVD Rom. Is it possible or it´s mandatory to have DVD device? I´m expecting a license key with the DVD, but I don´t have this information.


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered by (5.3k points)
Hi Victor,

I am not with Laminar Research; just a flight simmer.

If you purchase a DVD set you don't receive a license key but you have to run disc 1 in the dvd drive.

So, in your situation why don't you purchase the digital download from Laminar Research.  You will also be given a license key so you can run the software.  A DVD drive is not a requirement for X-Plane unless you purchase 3rd party products that are only available as a DVD set

As a side issue make sure you create a backup of x-plane when installed.

Good luck and welcome to the world of X-Plane

commented by (13 points)
Glenn, thanks for your excelent explanation.