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0 votes
asked by (12 points)

We are using Xplane 11.20.

We have 4 usb devices connected to several sensors (like flight illusion)

When we start sensors control application before Xplane, it works.

When we start it after xplane, we receive an error message "Port com already open" and we have to disconnect physicaly USB to let it works.

It seems that xplane "lock" com port when it start and prevent other applications to use it.

Do you already seen this error ?




2 Answers

0 votes
answered by (51 points)
Is ArdSimX running?   In version 1.32 it ties up all the USB COM ports even if ArdSimX is paused - you have to exit XPlane to get access to USB COM again.  Very annoying.
0 votes
answered by (5.3k points)

Hi Bernard,

I am not with Laminar Research or any other company like XForcePC; just a flight simmer.

How many versions of X-Plane are you running at once?  Every version requires a licence.  X-Plane is a flight simulation package, not a game.

Your USB devices have to be setup through X-Plane.  Not through any other third party software.  You need to delete that software and use X-Plane.

If you are using Logitec hardware you need to have a look at the following link at  created by Michael Brown to get the message.  Michael owns a company called XForcePC in the USA that builds computer systems and specialises in computers for X-Plane.  Laminar Research recommends this company as the only suitable PC supplier in the USA.  You will also get a lot of other good information provided in Michael's videos found at

Good luck

