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0 votes
asked by (18 points)
There are several VIVE headset/ packages that are available. I would like to know which one works best for Xplane 11 and if I need to get just the headset or the entire package with the base stations, controllers, and all that.

1 Answer

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answered by (449 points)

Controllers are optional—in the same way that flying with a joystick instead of just the mouse is optional—but you'll definitely get the best experience if you use controllers. You'll also need at least one base station. The $500 kit with the headset, two controllers, and two base stations is probably a good place to start... especially considering the "Pro" headset comes with no controllers and no base stations, for $300 more!

Just a heads up as well... at our recent FlightSim Expo booth, we were showing off the Vive, Oculus Rift, and a Lenovo WMR headset. Based on user comments, the Lenovo was the one people tended to prefer... and it sells for about $275 on Amazon. (That includes two controllers; no base station sensors are required, since the WMR headsets instead stick a camera on the head-mounted display itself.)

commented by (18 points)
What show are you talking about? The one in Vegas? Could I get away with using the VIVE Pro with just one base station? What is the resolution for the Lenovo headset?
commented by (449 points)
Yeah, FlightSimExpo 2018 in Vegas. You can run the Vive Pro with just one base station, but I'm not sure how good the results will be. The Lenovo Explorer has a resolution of 1440×1440 per eye, compared to 1080×1200 per eye in the Vive. The Vive Pro runs 1440×1600 per eye.