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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
I bought a PA28 for X-Plane to train with my flight students, and it worked very well.

Today, after a bout a month, everytime I load the PA28, I am being asked for an ID number, and there are some "fake" visuals, as if there were a headset, or someone sitting in the front left seat.

Can anyone suggest a solution?  Since I train people on N616VT (the "real plane"), I want to carry on using-plane as a procedures-trainer.

Thank you

Michael A.N. Winkler

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
Many third party payware aircraft use their own DRM. When you purchased the aircraft it probably came with a serial number or instructions to unlock it. It sounds like that needs to be re-entered. If you need help with it, I would suggest contacting the aircraft developer directly.