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0 votes
asked by (22 points)
ILS to KRDU 23R, when landing slow down use spoilers and reverse thrust. the auto pilot stays on, thrust immediately rises to high level...

Wondering why autopilot doesnt disconnect upos landing like in ZIBO 737...

Is this correct or a bug?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (60 points)

this sounds to me like, when you put the throttles into reverse, they go instead to TO/GA, therefore the full thrust you are reporting. If my analysis is correct, check if there is some stock set up with your joystick that sends the throttles to TO/GA mode. I also do not want to exclude a bug with the new 11:30 version, which is a likely thing, and if the case, will be eventually  reported by other users and fixed by Laminar Research.