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asked by (14 points)
I can see that there is one dataref that shows visibility, this is, "sim/weather/visibility_reported_m", yesterday making one APP from FL220 and descending to 5000 the visibility was constant, around 16000m, once I continue descending it started to decrease like a counter, step by step, each frame, the METAR reported visibility was 2800m. Obviously it was imposible to reach the 2800m from 16000 during the approach to teh airport and once I landed the visibity that shows the dataref was around 5400m. During taxy to the stands, it continue descreasing till the real value, that means 2800m. It's not reallistic, and I need to understand how it's calculated and how to handle it in orde to speed up the change, because I consider that the visibility must change so much faster. If a modify the dataref then the "real weather" stop working and doesnt't take in acount the real metar. Thanks a lot.

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