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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
I have x plane 10 and in the settings I can select the G1000 but then it says that to unlock it I need to buy a key on the x plane website. I can't seem to find it online. The only G1000 I can find is for X plane 11. I'm guessing that won't work on 10.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (2.2k points)

I'm not with Laminar Research, just a fellow simmer in the UK, but it appears to me that the G1000 was first made available in the X-Plane 11.10 update.

With that in mind, unless someone else can advise further, it does not appear that X-Plane 10 is able to support the G1000.

You may therefore wish to consider updating your version of X-Plane accordingly?
