Hello everyone
I'm having frame rate drop at night and I don't know why.
That just happens near the terminal at night, not on the runway at night or during cruise at night, just near the terminal at night.
Happens with any aircraft, with any airport, with any camera (virtual cockpit and free camera).
I did a clean installation of XP11, so I'm having this issue without any plugins, addons, libraries, sceneries, etc.
I took some pictures in order to illustrate better whats happening:
XP11.34 - clean installation
1. MD80 - Gate A10 at FAOR - Virtual Cockpit - Day time - 42 fps
2. MD80 - Gate A10 at FAOR - Virtual Cockpit - Night time - 25 fps

3. MD80 - Gate A10 at FAOR - Free Camera - Day time - 73 fps

4. MD80 - Gate A10 at FAOR - Free Camera - Night time - 36 fps

PC specs:
Z370M Aorus Gaming
I7 8700k 4.9ghz
GTX 1050ti 4gb
Memory HyperX Fury 16GB 2400MHz DDR4
It is a XP problem? Or it has to do with my system, my configs, etc? Again, these pictures were taken of a clean XP11 installation.
Thanks in advance