Help!! I very foolishly tried to alter the "aircraft_ system pss autosave" file without first making a backup. What was he thinking I hear you cry! Looking at the other files in that folder being "aircraft_explosions " it appeared that the pss file was the same as the pss autosave file so in the "aircraft_system" section I deleted the autosave file and copied and pasted the pss file to it. Needless to say my particle effects, mainly engine exhaust heat blurr aren't right.They appear with some aircraft and not others, some reheats work and others don't, some that do work don't appear on replays some do. As I have a zillion addons I'm very reluctant to do a clean install, is there any way I can recover the original "aircraft_system pss autosave" file? I'm fairly thick skinned so I can handle any derisory comments. Appreciate any help.