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asked by (12 points)

imageDownload file

sim will not open after updating to 10.5,tried rebooting, tried opening in both 32 and 64 bit,


1 Answer

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answered by (449 points)
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10.50b2 is coming soon, which should fix the issues with the various plugins crashing the sim (bugs that were introduced in 10.50b1). Until then, I recommend going back to 10.45 (or temporarily removing your plugins and attempting to run that way).

EDIT: Sorry, I was mistaken. Per this developer blog post, we're aware of the issue with plugins crashing the sim, but we don't know when we'll have a fix. If you can get me the Apple crash report in addition to the Log.txt file, I'll be happy to forward it on to the development team.

commented by (12 points)
Where do I find the Apple crash report?
commented by (449 points)
Ah, I just talked to the developer tracking this bug down---looks like he found the source of it, and it'll be fixed in 10.50b2 (coming in the next few days).