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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
i am flying the 172 and it will not fly level. I have tried everything with no luck. Tried trimming. Even when I hold the yoke still, plane still climbs the goes back down then up again. This goes on all the time I am in the air


2 Answers

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
First I'd check the weather settings and make sure the wind or turbulence isn't set super high.  If that doesn't help, try moving your preferences folder to the desktop to see if restoring default settings works.
0 votes
answered by (65 points)
I get this too despite latest very fast PC and sticks etc. I have noticed 2 things - 1 the trim function can motor onwards on its own if several clicks of it are input too rapidly  and 2  if there is an autopilot (which = usually) it is on by default and really screws up VFR hand flying. Wores still - some 3rd party aircraft have no controls for that but still have the "gene" for it active (!!!) I use the editor to remove all power to it and its servos. Hope this helps.