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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
The scenery selection in xp11 is divided only into 21 areas most of them at the size of 4~6 GB.
Since I don't need the entire continent, but only the specific country I'm flying in, I'd like to download much smaller area. Is it possible in xp11, to select specific tiles the same way it was possible in xp10? This would save a lot of time and disk space.

thank you

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
It is only possible to select the full areas in the X-Plane 11 installer. Once the full area is downloaded, you could go into the global scenery folders and delete the tiles you do not need in order to save disk space. The scenery is still divided up into 1x1 degree tiles like in X-Plane 10.
commented by (12 points)
assuming I take this approach (download 6GB, then delete 5.5, not too efficient but ok).
Will I be able to use the installer to manage my scenery after I mess up with the files?
commented by (19.3k points)
If you run the installer and pick the add/remove scenery option, it will highlight the area on the map you have only partial files for, and if you continue the install it will replace anything that's missing. If you have partial files for a highlighted area and deselect it, so it's no longer highlighted, the installer will remove any files you had.

So the installer can still work with partial installs, but will only try to match your selections on the map in full.